
Batallón in industrial tomato, varieties H1015 and H2401

Over 250 trials on 120 different crops from over 90 countries.


Industrial tomato, varieties H1015 and H2401

Chapatales, Spain

The application of BATALLÓN in the cultivation of industrial tomatoes of the varieties H1015 and H2401 caused an increase in productivity of 8% and 25% or 7,647 and 26,396 kg/ha, respectively.

This increase is due to the fact that tomato plants treated with BATALLON had greater vigor and greater number of active leaves, making the process of photosynthesis (manufacture of sugar and biomass) longer and more intense, thus obtaining greater production of sugars in fruits.


Higher production

+24,9% (23.936 kg/ha)

Higher quality of tomatoes

+8,8% (461 kg/ha)

Higher gross profits of the crop

+24,9% (1.747€/ha)


Crop: Industrial tomato, varieties H1015 and H2401.

Location: Chapatales, Los Palacios, province of Sevilla, Spain (variety H1015); Lebrija, province of Seville, Spain (variety H2401).

Sowing date: May 15th, 2018 (var. H1015), May 10th, 2018 (var. H2401).

Planting density: 1.50 m x 0.22 m (30,000 plants/ha)

Trial surface: 1 ha per variant.

Irrigation: drip.

Harvest date: 10-12th of September, 2018 (var. H1015); 2-4th of September, 2018 (var. H2401).

Trial Setup: 2 variants – 1) BOMBARDIER and 2) CONTROL (witness).

Trial Design:

  • Control: Fertilization program typical of the area.
  • Batallón:
    • Management: like in the CONTROL + 3 applications of BATALLÓN at 10L/ha.
    • Application dates: Var. H1015 (%) 07/25/18, 08/10/18, 08/20/18. Var. H2401 07/31/18, 08/09/18, 08/19/18.


Analyzed Parameters:

  • Yield of tomatoes classified as good, (kg/ha)
  • Yield of tomatoes classified as defective, (Kg/ha)
  • Total productivity of tomatoes suitable for processing, (kg/ha)
  • Value of tomatoes classified as good, (€/ha)
  • Value of tomatoes classified as defective, (€/ha)
  • Total value of tomatoes suitable for transformation, €/ha
  • Proportion of green tomatoes, (%)
  • Proportion of defective tomatoes, (%)
  • Production of sugar in tomatoes, (kg/ha)

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