California Pepper variety Melchor
Almería, Spain
The BATALLÓN applications have increased the yield of the California peppers variety Melchor, especially in 1st category peppers by 10417 kg/ha or 16.5% . The number of fruits on a plant increased by about 5%. The average weight of the pepper fruits also grew slightly with the applications of BATALLÓN.
Higher production
+6,6% (4.958 kg/ha)

Greater amount of peppers in one plant
+5% (0,8 frutos/planta)

Higher gross profits of the crop
+6,3% (5.743€/ha)
Crop: California Red Pepper variety Melchor.
Location: Paraje Loma del Viento, El Ejido, Almeria, Spain.
Surface of the farm: 14,000 m2.
Surface area of the treated plot: 7,000 m2
Planting density: 20,000 plants/ha
Date of transplant: August 8th, 2016.
Harvesting dates (10 in total): 1/19/17, 2/2/17; 2/13/17; 3/8/17; 3/18/17; 3/23/17; 3/30/17; 4/7/17; 4/21/17; 4/27/17.
Irrigation: Drip, with standard fertigation of the crop and zone.
Fertilizer: typical for greenhouse almond tree irrigation.
Soil: typical of the area with traditional sanding on top.
Crop management and pesticide treatments are typical for integrated production.
Trial Design:
- The trial has 2 variants grouped into 4 blocks or repetitions. The experimental unit within each block had two lines with 62-72 plants. To do this, in the treated plots, 8 lines of drippers were chosen in 2 sectors that could be shut off at the time of applying BATALLÓN in order to have the CONTROL units.
Variant descriptions:
- CONTROL (C) : standard crop management by the farmer.
- BATALLÓN (B) , 3 applications at 7.5L/ha, 20L/ha, and 20 L/ha by irrigation.
- Dates of application of BATALLÓN: 1st – 10 days after transplant (8/18/16); 2nd – 3 months after transplant (11/15/16); 3rd – 5.5 months after transplant (1/30/17).
Analyzed Parameters:
- Fruit average weight, g
- Total yield, kg/ha
- Amount of peppers in one plant, fruits/plant
- 1st category fruit yield, kg/ha
- 2nd category fruit yield, kg/ha
- Weight proportion of 2nd category fruits, %
- 1st category fruit value, €/ha
- 2nd category fruit value, €/ha
- Total harvest value, €/ha
- Production expenses (with RRP of Batallón at 6.52€/L), €/ha
- Net profits, €/ha;
- Crop profitability, %
- Cumulative harvest vale, €/ha
- Fruit yields per harvests, kg/ha
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