Bombardier and Batallón
Watermelon, varieties 7197 HQ (seedless), Sp6 (pollinator)
Georgia, United States
The application of BOMBARDIER and BATALLON in watermelons of the variety 7197 HQ (without seeds) increased the amount of fruit per ha (+62 %) and the average weight of a fruit (+ 4 %) which led to an increase in productivity of more than 23,000 kg/ha compared to CONTROL.
Higher production
+68,1% (23.145 kg/ha)

Highest average size of watermelons
+68,1% (+5.844 kg/ha)

Better benefits and profitability of the crop
+250,5% (5.405€)
Crop: watermelon, varieties 7197 HQ (seedless), Sp6 (pollinator).
Location: Tifton, Georgia (GA), United States.
Sowing Date: April 16th, 2018, with 6 week seedlings.
Planting density: 1.22 m x 1.83 m (4 x 6 ft), 4,479 plants/ha.
Trial surface area: 2 variants, 4 repetitions. The experimental unit has area of 71.4 m2, with 12 plants variety 7197 HQ and 4 plants of variety Sp6. Total trial surface: 572m2
Irrigation: drip.
Harvesting date: June 27th, 2018 and July 9th, 2018.
Trial setup: 2 variants – 1) BOMBARDIER + BATALLON, and 2) CONTROL with 4 random block replications.
Trial Design:
- Crop management and fertilization: typical of the area
- Standard crop management of the CONTROL plus applications of BOMBARDIER and BATALLON: BOMBARDIER: via drench at the base of each plant simulating drip irrigation 7.3 L/ha (2 applications). BATALLON: via drench around the base of each plant simulating drip irrigation 7.3 L/ha (2 applications). Application dates: BOMBARDIER: 3 and 5 weeks after planting (05/07/18 and 5/21/18). BATALLON: 20 and 10 days before harvest (06/07/18 and 07/18/18)
Analyzed Parameters:
- Cherry tree quantity (units)
- Concentration of sugars in juice, ºBrix
- Average cherry weight, g
- Average size of cherries (mm)
- Productivity, kg/ha
- Harvest value * (price 1.20 € / kg) (€ / ha)
- Cost of production and collection, € / ha
- Net benefits, € / ha
- Profitability of the crop (% prof.)
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