Fructón FL
Potato variety Agata
Lapa, Brazil
The application of FRUCTÓN has increased the yield of potatoes of the variety Agata by 4,000 kg/ha or 11.8 %.
Higher production
+11,8% (4.000 kg/ha)

Greater benefits
+75,9% (698€/ha)

Greater economic yield and sustainability of potatoes
+75,13% (13,3%)
Crop: Potato variety Agata
Planting density: 36,000 bulbs/ha.
Location: Lapa, Parana, Brazil
Sowing Date: August 2017
Harvesting date: december 2017
Trial Design:
- CONTROL: traditional crop management.
- Fruntón, crop management same as the CONTROL plus FRUCTON foliar applications with tractor bar. FRUCTÓN: 500 g/ha (50 g/100L of water). 55 DAS the application of FRUCTON is made to harness the growth of tubercles.
Analyzed Parameters:
- Total yield, kg/ha
- Harvest value (with price of 0.18 €/kg), €/ha
- Expenses of production *, €/ha
- Net benefits, €/ha
- Profitability of the crop, (% prof.)
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