
Naturally productive

100% natural and effective solutions for the nutrition and stimulation of your crops

Committed to your health
Committed to our planet

The concern over the quality of the food we consume has increased in recent years. There is a greater awareness of the direct relationship between the food we buy and our health and the environment.

This is the line of work that we follow at Kimitec Agro. We want to provide you with the right tools so that you can maintain the profitability of your production and cultivate healthier foodstuff.

We believe that a different way of producing food, that combines efficiency and health, is possible.

We care about the profitability and quality of your production. And we also care about your health and our environment.

We have the technical and agronomic capacity to bring agriculture back to its origins with the same efficacy thanks to our 4 Health Technology. We continue advancing in the re-evaluation of surplus by-products from other industries to develop our solutions and be competitive. We have already increased the yield, the aroma, the flavor, the nutritional content and the chemo-preventive action of food products.

We bet on a more natural and more effective agriculture and our goal is to be a key element within the food production channel.

We believe that a different way of producing food, that combines efficiency and health, is possible.