

This is a bug


Aphids constitute a very large group of insects with great phytophagous activity. The most common and most important aphid species in horticultural crops are Aphis gossypii and Myzus persicae. They are widespread and affect numerous crops.

These are sucking insects that are provided with a long-articulated beak that dig into the vegetable, and by which they absorb the juices of the plant. They secrete a sugary and sticky liquid called molasses, which permeates the surface of the plant preventing its normal development.

Whitefly - Bemisia tabaci and Trialeurodes vaporariorum

Whitefly, is a group of insects are known that are characterized by infesting the leaves of the main horticultural crops of economic interest. In Spain, the fly species that have been identified giving rise to pests are Bemisia tabaci or “white tomato and tobacco fly”, and Trialuroides vaporariorum or “greenhouse whitefly”.

Spodoptera littoralis

Spodoptera littoralis is one of the most destructive agricultural lepidoptera pests within its range, it can attack numerous economically important crops throughout the year. The range of guests covers more than 40 plant families. Also known as African cotton leafworm, Egyptian cotton leafworm or Mediterranean Brocade it is a heterogeneous noctuid very common in Africa and Southern Europe.


It is of enormous importance due to the large number of crops it affects. The species, Frankliniella occidentalis, more widely known as “Western Flower Thrips”, is a sucking insect of the order Thysanoptera (Thripidae), of very small size. They live among the leaves or among the flowers.

The main crops attacked are pepper, eggplant, cucumber, beans, zucchini, watermelon, melon, tomato in the greenhouse, as alternative crops include cotton and fruit trees and causes damage to ornamental plants such as rose or carnation. They mainly infect fruit crops during flowering and when the fruits are young.
